
This page has a list of posts related to C#.

C# Basics

  1. How to execute SQL statement that has a single quote in C# or insert a row with a value that has a quote?
  2. How to get the current running executable name as a string in C#?
  3. How to get the relative path (folder the executable was launched in) as a string in C#?
  4. How to remove an element from a regular array in C#?
  5. How to return an string array from a enum in C#?
  6. Working with DateTime and Unix Time Stamps or Universal time (UTC) in C#
  7. C# – Convert DateTime to and from a Unix timestamp *
  8. How to pause a Console application in C# or the equivelent to the C++ system(“pause”) statement?
  9. How to get your project’s version dynamically in C#?
  10. Detecting when you press “Enter” in a WPF TextBox
  11. How to document a function so Visual Studio’s Intellisense displays it?
  12. What is the equivalent of __FILE__ and __LINE__ in C#?
  13. How read the 64 bit registry from a 32 bit application or vice versa
  14. Important .NET Framework 4.0 Command Line Tools You Must Know
  15. C# and Boxing and Unboxing
  16. C# – The ?? operator or coalesce operator
  17. StringBuilder in C#
  18. Array in C# – Tutorial

Learning on your own

  1. What is and how do I install the Northwind database?
  2. Where to get free training and tutorial videos for WPF?
  3. A good site for learning WPF ListView as GridView development in C# and WPF
  4. Programming Books

Visual Studio

  1. How to resolve the “Could not create an instance of Type” error when “Reloading the designer” in Visual Studio 2008?
  2. How to modify the default new class template for C# in Visual Studio 2008?
  3. Visual Studio 2008 editor colors set to use a black background and how to add these settings yourself or keep your color settings on re-install?
  4. How to compile a wxWidgets application in Visual Studio 2008?
  5. Tool to create keyboard shortcuts that paste common data because code snippets don’t work for C++ in Visual Studio 2008
  6. How to use relative paths when debugging in Visual Studio 2008?
  7. How to create a custom class template for Xml Serializable classes?

Snippets for Visual Studio

  1. A snippet for handling each native type in C# and Visual Studio…when generics won’t work.
  2. Changing the prop snippet for creating a Property in C#
  3. A Visual Studio snippet for a class with #region sections

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) for WPF

  1. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

  1. How to process command line parameters or arguments in a WPF application?
  2. Detecting when you press “Enter” in a WPF TextBox
  3. How to limit or prevent characters in a TextBox in C#? Or How to create a NumberTextBox object?
  4. Using Resources.resx for strings in a WPF Application: A technique to prepare for localization

Xml Serialization

  1. Generic XML Serializer Class for C# and an XML Serialization usage example
  2. How to create a custom class template for Xml Serializable classes?
  3. Handling a custom name space (xmlns) in an XML with Xml Serialization
  4. Options for serializing an Array or List when using Serializable?

ADO.NET and Database

  1. How to query a database in C#?
  2. How read use an ADO.NET DataSet to read XML files designed with nested attributes?
  3. How to check if a SQL Table exists in C#?
  4. How to insert a row into a Microsoft SQL database using C#?
  5. What is the difference between a DataSet and a DataTable?
  6. How do I access a MySQL database with C#?
  7. How I get the number of a rows in a Micorosft SQL table using C#?
  8. How do I get the number of rows returned from a Microsoft SQL Query in C#?


  1. How to store a password in an XML file encrypted so it is not in clear text or how to encrypt any text string?
  2. C# Random Password Generator

Integration with other tools

  1. How to connect to Salesforce / SForce with C#?
  2. How do I access a MySQL database with C#?

C# and Regular Expressions

  1. Regular Expressions in C#(including a new comprehensive email pattern)
  2. Common Regular Expression Patterns for C#

C# Example Code

  1. A status hander object that keeps the worst status
  2. How to add a dynamic image and/or a dynamic button to a DataGrid row using a DataGridTemplateColumn and a DataTemplateSelector?
  3. A WPF Progress Bar
  4. How to upload a file to an FTP server using C#?
  5. How to create a directory on an FTP server using C#?
  6. Generic XML Serializer Class for C# and an XML Serialization usage example
  7. Regular Expressions in C#(including a new comprehensive email pattern)
  8. How read the 64 bit registry from a 32 bit application or vice versa
  9. C# DataMeasurement object for comparing, converting, and adding and substracting data sizes
  10. String extension methods
  11. C# Dictionary

Processes and Threading

  1. How to get the parent process that launched a C# application?
  2. Timing a process


  1. Using Resources.resx for strings in a WPF Application: A technique to prepare for localization

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